Make sure your button pattern matches
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Permanently repairs rubber keypad buttons by adding a new layer of conductive material.
Your buttons fails when the conductive pad wears out and silicone oils seep from the keypad. This gooey paste blocks electrical conductivity and stops the switch from working.
The ButtonWorx membrane keypad blocks dirt and oil from reaching the circuit board and offers a new conductor that cannot break down like rubber conductors do.
Note: This is for repairing hard to press buttons. If all your buttons stopped working one day, then the remote is broken (not the buttons) and needs repair
Our membrane keypads are custom cut for each model.
Install the ButtonWorx™ repair membrane FLAT FLAT FLAT. There is no need to make sure it is stuck down.
Do Not press down on the button areas. That can cause buttons to cave in creating a permanent short circuit.
Just place it down using the holes for alignment. If it needs to be repositioned you can remove it and try again.