I have a fluke 189

The buttons at the top to meter that select alternate mods of operation are no longer working.

I was going to order contact paint but then came across buttonworx product.


I am interested in this product to repair the meter but unsure which kit to purchase since the button installation will also cover other contact surfaces on the circuit board.

If these ever need to be replaced I would have to remove the old repair from the circuit card to install new.

Also I am concerned about leakage across contact surfaces due to the glue that adheres the buttonworx product to the circuit card.

Since this meter is used at times to frisk for voltage my wellbeing is dependent on it functioning properly every time.


I have attached photos of the circuit board and buttons I am trying to repair.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

 Buy: ButtonWorx™ 4mm Buttons

Excellent product. Thanks for the help. 

I attached a few photos you can use in your advertising if you want.

Before install, after install as well as meter in operation and buttons functioning like they were new.

Will recommend this to friends that have issues with their electronics.